Wayanad LS Election Results: Rahul Gandhi wins by a margin of 3.6 lakh

Rahul Gandhi, Annie Raja, K Surendran. Photo: Manorama

Wayanad: Rahul Gandhi has won from the Wayanad Lok Sabha constituency.
According to Election Commission data, Rahul Gandhi has secured victory with a margin of 3,64,422 votes. He bagged 6,47,445 votes while CPI's Annie Raja got 2,83,023 and BJP's K Surendran finished a distant third having managed 1,41,045 votes.

Gandhi's performance was even better in his second seat, in Uttar Pradesh's Rae Bareli. The former president of the Congress party won by a margin of 3,90,030 against BJP's Dinesh Pratap Singh. Gandhi bagged 6,87,649 votes while the BJP leader could only manage 2,97,619.
Now, Gandhi will have to give up either Wayanad or Rae Bareli.  

The ManoramaNews-VMR exit polls have indicated that the former Congress president’s vote share will shrink alarmingly by nearly 14 per cent. This corresponds with a surge in the LDF vote share.  

As per Exit Poll projections, Rahul Gandhi was poised to garner 50.99 per cent of votes from the constituency. Annie Raja was slated to get 35.48 per cent votes and K Surendran was expected to get 10.65 per cent votes.
Read More: Know Your Candidate: In Wayanad, CPI & BJP dream of turning Rahul Gandhi's safe house to short-stay 

With a significant share of minority votes, the constituency has always been a safe citadel of the Congress-led United Democratic Front.  
Annie Raja, the CPI candidate had given a tough fight for Rahul Gandhi with an aggressive campaign at the grassroots, adding vigour to the combat which was otherwise termed a friendly match.

In 2019, Rahul Gandhi, who received a shock defeat in Amethi Constituency by BJP candidate Smrithi Irani, had won by a massive margin of 4,31,770 votes in the Wayanad constituency. The polls also resulted in Wayand getting national media attention. Rahul bagged 7,06, 367 votes while his main rival PP Suneer of the CPI managed to get 2,74,597 votes. BDJS president Thushar Vellapally, who contested as the NDA candidate, came a distant third with 78,816 votes.

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