Two men suffocate to death while cleaning waste water tank in Kozhikode

Amma's Dhaba Hotel (Left). The deceased, Asokan (Right). Photo: Manorama

Kozhikode: Two labourers died while cleaning the waste water tank of a hotel in Kozhikode on Friday. Asokan from Kinaloor and Rineesh from Koorachundu died while cleaning the tank at Iringadan Palli, near Kovoor on Friday evening.
Even though the fire force personnel managed to pull them out and rushed them to the Government Medical College Kozhikode, they were declared brought dead. According to reports, one worker stepped into the tank first and he went unconscious. Another labourer ventured into the tank to help him but he also lost consciousness.

They drowned in the sullage. A fire safety officer said that they would have gone unconscious after inhaling the toxic air. The tank was filled with sullage at a depth of 2 feet. The tank is 10 feet deep. '' When we recovered both of them, they had almost lost their pulse. So, we gave them CPR and rushed to the Medical college hospital,'' said fire safety officer Sudheer. Police have registered a case following the death of labourers. Sections will be decided after a detailed site inspection and collection of statements, police told media.

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