Cleaning drive held in Cherthala, 2 tons of waste removed

Cleaning drive in progress at Cherthala on Saturday. Photo: Special Arrangement.

Alappuzha: Around 300 volunteers joined hands to clean 13 kilometres of roads in Cherthala municipality on Saturday. Over 2 tonnes of waste was collected and removed during the massive cleaning drive. The collected waste was sorted and the biodegradable waste was taken to the aerobic unit while the non-biodegradable waste was taken to the recycling unit.

Cherthala municipality chairperson Sherly Bhargawan inaugurated the cleaning drive. Volunteers included municipality councillors, staff, members of Haritha Karma Sena, school-college students, NSS volunteers and members of various welfare organisations.

The drive was held as part of a two day district-wide pre-monsoon cleaning campaign which began on Saturday. The mega campaign is aimed at curbing the spread of diseases and ensuring smooth flow of water during the monsoon. In all, 1169 panchayat wards and 215 municipal wards will be part of the campaign.

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