Pantheerankavu dowry case: This is Rahul's second marriage, admits mother

Rahul P Gopal. Photo: Manorama News

Kozhikode: Rahul P Gopal, the prime accused in the Pantheerankavu domestic abuse case, had previously married an Erattupetta woman and his wedding to the North Paravur was his second marriage, admitted his mother. 

The police are on the lookout for Rahul for brutally torturing his second wife. The couple entered wedlock on May 5. "We have not demanded any dowry from the Paravur girl. The allegations by her family are baseless. I apologise for Rahul's mistake," the mother said referring to the domestic abuse. Rahul is suspected to have left Kerala. On Wednesday, the police took the statement of the victim about the domestic abuse.

Meanwhile, in an interview with a news channel, Rahul agreed that he had hit his wife. "I did hit my wife. But it was not for dowry or a car. I work in Germany. Why would I need a car?" Rahul said. He added that he was absconding as his mother would be heartbroken if he was arrested. Rahul also said that he was facing threats from his wife's brother.

The domestic violence came to light when the woman's family paid a visit to Rahul's residence on Sunday as part of the post-wedding ceremony. After noticing bruises on the woman's body, the family members questioned her. She revealed that Rahul assaulted her brutally and tried to strangulate her with the cable of a mobile charger. She claimed that Rahul used to beat her suspecting infidelity. Following this, the woman's family took her to the police station and filed a complaint against Rahul. The woman also announced her decision to end her week-long marriage and returned her 'Thali' to Rahul.

But now, the family have come up with serious allegations against Pantheerankavu police. They alleged that police were reluctant to register a case against Rahul. They argued that police intentionally skipped attempt to murder charges against the accused even after the woman confirmed that he tried to strangulate her. It is learnt that police only booked the man for assaulting his wife. Amid this, the Kozhikode City Police Commissioner declared that the statement of the woman would be recorded again.

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