Man hacks wife, smashes her knees near forest at Pangode

The accused Soji. Photo: Manorama.

Thiruvananthapuram: A man hacked his wife,ran scooter over her legs and bludgeoned her knees with a stick like weapon at Adappupara in Pangode panchayat in Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday. The accused Soji is in police custody. Shyni who suffered severe injuries in the assault has been admitted to Medical college hospital.

Pangode SI Binimol B said that they will collect a statement from Shyni as soon as she becomes stable. The police received an alert from the aid post and the local residents about the attack in the morning.
According to police Shyni and Soji have been living separately for more than a year. On Thursday, Soji reached the house of Shyni and reportedly coaxed her to come with him for a talk.

He took her in a two wheeler to a place near the forest at Adappupara. During the course of conversation, they had an altercation following which Soji allegedly attacked Shyni with a machete. He also beat her up and inflicted severe injuries to her knees.
Police said they have received reports about him running his scooter over her legs. The locals rushed her to Medical college hospital. Police said she has sustained wounds to her head, arms and knees.

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