Thiruvananthapuram: In a curious turn of events, three senior CPM leaders in Kerala have not filed a defamation case or sent a legal notice to Swapna Suresh, an accused in the sensational gold smuggling case and a former consultant at Space Park, over her serious allegations them, even after receiving the party’s approval for such action.

CPM had given the nod to three leaders - former ministers Kadakampally Surendran and Thomas Isaac and former Speaker P Sivaramakrishnan - to move legally against Swapna a year ago. The party’s decision was also announced publicly by its state secretary M V Govindan.


Swapna had alleged that these leaders had misbehaved with her. She also raised grave charges against Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his family.  Moreover, Swapna challenged the CPM leaders to file a defamation case against her and announced that she would produce the necessary proof to substantiate the allegations.

Following Swapna’s allegations, a section in CPM had pointed out that failure to file a defamation case would give credibility to her statements. Even then, the three CPM leaders made no move to launch legal measures.


The most severe allegations were raised against Surendran. Swapna even claimed that she had audio clips of his abusive statements targeting her. 

Sivaramakrishnan initially denied Swapna’s charges. But when she released pictures showing them together, he made no further comment on the matter.


Meanwhile, Swapna had said that the Chief Minister and his family had amassed unaccounted income and engaged in shady deals. She also claimed that her two confidential statements submitted before the court had explained everything about all these allegations.