'Will bomb Nava Kerala Sadas venues, suicide bomber will run into bus': Death threat sent to Transport min's office

The special bus carrying the chief minister and other ministers reaches the Nadapuram constituency for the Nava Kerala Sadas programme. Photo: Facebook/@PinarayiVijayan

Thiruvananthapuram: Transport Minister Antony Raju's office on Monday received a letter threatening to bomb the venues of the Nava Kerala Sadas and plant a bomb on the special bus in which the chief minister and other ministers are travelling. The minister's office handed over the letter to the state police chief.

The threat letter was sent as a postcard. The card stated bombs would be planted in three venues of the state government's public outreach programme. It also said a suicide bomber would run into the special bus.

The Nava Kerala Sadas, which is on its tenth day, is currently touring the Malappuram district. The programme has already covered four districts -- Kasaragod, Kannur, Kozhikode, and Malappuram.

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