Monson Mavunkal Case: IG Lakshman suspended

G Lakshman. Photo:Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The state government on Friday suspended Inspector General of Police G Lakshman for his alleged involvement in the money laundering case in which fake antique dealer Monson Mavinkal is the prime suspect.

Issuing his suspension, the government said in the order that the allegations against him a serious. The enforcement directorate had earlier questioned him over his involvement in the case.

Lakshman, a serving Indian Police Service officer, is accused of realising financial gains illegally with his direct involvement in Monson's fraudulent deals.

The Lakshman is accused of various offences punishable under Sections 468 (forgery) and 420 (cheating) among other provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

Monson was arrested in September 2021 by the Crime Branch, which has been probing a case against him for cheating several people of crores of rupees. He was recently sentenced to life imprisonment in a rape case.

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