Govt nod for partially reopening MLA Anvar’s water park

MLA PV Anvar; the children's park in Kakkadampoyil at Kozhikode. Photo: Manorama

Malappuram: Permission has been granted for partial reopening of the park owned by the legislator P V Anvar, at Kakkadampoyil in Kozhikode district.

The approval was given to open the children’s park in the water park.

Earlier, Anvar had submitted an application to the government requesting its nod to open the park.

Acting on the petition, the state government had entrusted the Kerala State Disaster Management Authority with the responsibility of studying the issue.

The permission to open the children’s park was given by the government on the basis of the recommendations submitted by the authority.

Conditions apply

The order issued by the government said that the owner must ensure that the activities inside the children’s park take place inside steel fencing and that the sites constructed for water rides are not connected to the area in any manner.

The Disaster Management Authority has also recommended that the other constructions in the facility should be inspected for possible risk of accidents. A private agency based in Kozhikode has been given the responsibility of carrying out the inspection.

The decision on whether to grant unhindered permission for the park’s functioning will be taken on the basis of the result of the inspection conducted by the agency.

The Koodaranji Panchayat had earlier decided that the controversial water theme park need not be closed for the time being. A sub-committee of the panchayat had come to the conclusion that the facility had all the mandatory documents and the project was beneficial to the area.

Why park was shutdown

The functioning of the park was suspended after mudslides occurred during the heavy rain in 2018. There are also allegations that the area is prone to landslips.

The park was constructed by razing the mountainsides in violation of the regulation that even water harvesting pits should not be dug in the area since it was prone to landslides.

Kakkadampoyil has been designated as a disaster-prone area by the Disaster Management Authority

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