Mandatory police clearance for guest workers in Kerala by special law on cards

The labour department has summoned an emergency meeting of officials on Sunday to discuss special law for guest workers. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala government has decided to legislate a special law for guest workers as instances of  criminal cases against people from other states have been seemingly on the rise of late.

Talking to Manorama News, minister for general education and labour V Sivankutty said a certified clearance from the police would be made mandatory for the guest workers employed in the state.

Agents who bring migrant workers to the state must obtain a licence issued by the labour department, he added.

A mobile app named 'Adithi' will be launched next month for the migrant labourers, announced the minister.

The labour department summoned an emergency meeting of officials on Sunday to discuss the special law for guest workers.

The latest move comes in the wake of the brutal murder of a five-year-old girl in Aluva. Asfaq Alam from Bihar, the key accused in the case, has confessed to the crime, police said.

The post-mortem report revealed the minor girl was brutally raped and strangled to death on Friday. Police recovered the girl's body from an abandoned area near Aluva market on Saturday.

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