Shamseer Parakkal Najeeb (39) hailing from Kannur Town died in the accident near Salalah on Tuesday.

Shamseer Parakkal Najeeb (39) hailing from Kannur Town died in the accident near Salalah on Tuesday.

Shamseer Parakkal Najeeb (39) hailing from Kannur Town died in the accident near Salalah on Tuesday.

A Kannur-native was killed in a road accident in Oman on Tuesday. Five others, including Malayalis were injured in the accident on the Thumrait-Haima Road near Salalah.

Shamseer Parakkal Najeeb (39) was reported killed after the vehicle a group was travelling in crashed following a tyre burst. They were returning from a Salalah visit.


Other Kannur-natives, Rayees and Sameer and Kozhikode natives Najeeb and Swaliha Najeeb were injured and shifted to hospitals at Nizwa and Haima.

The injured were rescued by the police.