Kozhikode-based AI-driven healthcare start-up gets funding from Malta govt

Image courtesy: Website/intpurple.com

Kozhikode: Kozhikode-based IT start-up Intpurple Technologies, which developed an Artificial Intelligence driven healthcare software, has received funding from the Government of Malta, the company said on Thursday.

Malta's economic development agency Malta Enterprise will invest an undisclosed amount in the company for further research and development of their product Felixacare, the company said.

"They will also support Intpurple to set up an office and research centre at Gozo Innovation Hub in Malta. The funds provided by the Maltese government will be used for research, purchase of equipment and payment of staff," Sahir Kungancheri, Founder and CEO of Intpurple said.

Felixacare is a state-of-the-art technology that facilitates follow-up care of permanent patients, treatment at home and constant monitoring.

"With this, Doctors can make the right decision quickly and significantly reduce the unnecessary costs for patients," Sahir said.

The healthcare software developed by Intpurple will also be used at a government-run hospital in Malta, he added.

Currently, many palliative care units in Kerala are using this software to provide services to bedridden patients at home, the company said.

Felixacare was born out of the idea of how to ensure the best health care and treatment for patients with the help of AI technology during emergency situations such as lockdown during pandemic.  

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