Registration Minister M V Govindan has said that those who left abroad immediately after their marriage without completing their registration formalities can now register  online.

Registration Minister M V Govindan has said that those who left abroad immediately after their marriage without completing their registration formalities can now register  online.

Registration Minister M V Govindan has said that those who left abroad immediately after their marriage without completing their registration formalities can now register  online.

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala government had issued several new guidelines for marriage registration in the state a few years ago. However, several couples could not complete the formalities as mandated due to paucity of time as they had to rush to their workplaces or residences abroad. The travel restrictions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic too likely prevented the timely registration of marriages. For their convenience, online registration has now been allowed by the state administration.

Registration Minister M V Govindan has said that those who left abroad immediately after their marriage without completing their registration formalities can now register  online.


In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the condition in the previous order stating "living together for years after marriage" has now been excluded for facilitating online registration.

However, these living abroad, during visit to their native place, should appear before the local bodies registrar in person and put signature.


At the time of issuing the online certificate, the local bodies registrar should inform the parties concerned. Any one person among the couple should be able to mandatorily present and put signature.

If required they can bring witnesses to avoid fake proceedings and impersonation. 


The registrar on his part can obtain an affidavit from the couple and keep it in his/her custody.