Stay clear of unnecessary functions: CM tells Kerala Police blighted by 'antique fraud case'

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan met senior officers of Kerala Police in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday.

Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday told the Kerala Police to stay clear of 'unnecessary functions'.

Vijayan made the comment in the light of the recent 'antique fraud case' that has revealed the connection of several top police officers with the main accused, Monson Mavunkal.

The chief minister had initially held an online meeting attended by station house officers and those ranked above them. Later in the afternoon, he decided to have a face-to-face talk with the senior officers, including state police chief Anil Kant.

While highlighting the complaints raised by the public regarding COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, Vijayan stressed the importance of not bringing the force to disrepute.

It is understood that IG Lakshman was one of the police officials whose photographs with Monson Mavunkal had been released, was not allowed to attend the offline meeting in the conference hall.

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