The CM said that it would be ensured that all the vacancies in the government services are reported in a time-bound manner and action would be initiated to set up a public sector recruitment board.

The CM said that it would be ensured that all the vacancies in the government services are reported in a time-bound manner and action would be initiated to set up a public sector recruitment board.

The CM said that it would be ensured that all the vacancies in the government services are reported in a time-bound manner and action would be initiated to set up a public sector recruitment board.

Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has said a zero-waste Kerala would be a reality in the next five years. He also said that it would be ensured that all the vacancies in the government services are reported in a time-bound manner and action would be initiated to set up a public sector recruitment board.

Apart from the cabinet decisions, the CM also briefed on a slew of projects that the government would be implementing in the next five years.


• Special policy to modernise and develop higher education.

• Inter-university groups to develop online courses.

• Guidelines to be formulated within six months on utilising professionals to teach and guide IT students

• A curriculum till secondary-level school education that promotes secular democratic values and scientific awareness.


• Libraries to be modernised.

• The Karappuzha, Banasura Sagar, Pazhassi and Idamalayar projects to be completed by 2023-24.

• Huge water reservoirs to collect rainwater.

• Completion of the Kochi-Palakkad hi-tech industrial corridor and the state industrial parks


• Public sector institutions to be modernised.

• Investment in the hardware sector will be increased.

• Agriculture, allied sectors, modern industry and infrastructure development will be improved.

• Achievements in health, education and housing sectors would be further strengthened.

• The production of vegetables and paddy would be doubled in five years.

• Self-sufficiency in milk production to be achieved by 2025. The production of meat and egg to be increased.

• Industrial units for processing coconut and spices.

• A centre for excellence based on polymer science and technology for the value addition of rubber and other products.

• Krishi Bhavan to be upgraded to smart Krishi Bhavan. Quality of allied services for farmers would be improved.

• The standard of living in Kerala would be made similar to that of the developed countries within 25 years.

• Uplifting the status of women in the state.

• To reduce violence against women and children, community initiatives based on crime mapping would be formulated.

• An extensive geriatric survey would be held and services would be provided at the doorstep.

• Special palliative care programme would be launched.