When Ancy's phone calls to family stopped post New Zealand attack

Ancy was killed in a terror attack in New Zealand on Friday.

Kodungallur: The family of Keralite woman, Ancy who was killed in a terror attack in New Zealand, are is grappling to come to terms with reality. The 25-year-old's mother and brother back home are inconsolable. Mother Rasia prayed for the safety of Ancy and her husband as news of Christchurch terror attack brokeon Friday. But soon the tragic news reached the house at Kodungallur in Thrissur district.

Ancy used to call and message home daily. The family was worried when she remained incommunicado following the attack. When husband Nasar was contacted he said Ancy was injured, raising hopes about Ancy.

The couple used to live in a rented house. Ancy went to New Zealand for higher studies along with husband a year. She was an M Tech student in an agricultural university. She hoped to find a job there that could support her family back home.

Ancy's husband is from Madavana near Kochi. Nasar’s father Hamsa cannot believe her daughter-in-law is no more. His family too was worried after news broke of a Kodungallur native being hurt in the terror attack.

Four other Indians - Maheboob Khokhar; Ramiz Vora; Asif Vora; and Ozair Kadir - were also killed in the attack on worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch Friday.

The Indian High Commission on Sunday confirmed that five Indians were among the 50 people killed by a white supremacist, in the worst attack on Muslims in New Zealand.

The attacker, identified by authorities as Australia-born Brenton Tarrant, 28, targeted immigrants during Friday prayers. Witnesses said victims were shot at close range.

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