Iran releases crew members of vessel MSC Aries

An official slides down a rope during a helicopter raid on MSC Aries ship at sea in this screen grab obtained from a social media video released on April 13, 2024. Video obtained by Reuters

New Delhi: Iran has said it released all the crew members of Portuguese-flagged cargo vessel MSC Aries that had 17 Indians among its 25 crews.

Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian mentioned the release of the crew of the ship during a phone conversation with his Estonian counterpart Margus Tsahkna on Friday, according to an Iranian readout.

Ann Tessa Joseph, the sole woman cadet among the 17 Indian crew members of the Israeli-linked container vessel was released days after the tanker was seized by Iran's military on April 13.

"In response to the request of the Estonian side regarding the Portuguese ship seized in the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the release of the Estonian crew, Amirabdollahian said the ship, which turned off its radar in the territorial waters of Iran and endangered the security of navigation, is detained under judicial rules," the Iranian foreign ministry said.

"He however noted that Iran has already released all the ship's crew members on humanitarian grounds, and if the ship's captain accompanies them, the crew including the Estonians can return to their country," it said.

Hours after the Iranian military seized the vessel, White House National Security Council Spokesperson Adrienne Watson had said the ship's crew comprised Indian, Filipino, Pakistani, Russian and Estonian nationals.

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