Analysis | BJP on a sticky wicket as Cong readies for all-out war in MP

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan meets supporters during a public meeting ahead of the state assembly election. Photo: PTI

Bhopal: The election campaign is revving up in poll-bound Madhya Pradesh, which is two weeks away from the D-Day. Hoping to end the saffron party's 18-year run, Congress is going all guns blazing this time in the crucial state, where the BJP remains well-entrenched and dominated the political landscape long before it was able to register its presence and open an account in the big and politically important states like Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.

A repeat of the performance with an improved seat tally in favour of the Congress in the assembly polls will have its shadow on the saffron party's dream to recapture power at the Centre in the 2024 general election. From all indications, it looks like the Congress is giving it a tough fight.

The outcome of the land-locked state sharing a border with six others is going to be of great significance. For many observers, the result will be a bellwether of sorts, showing the preference of voters and the way forward for the BJP and the Congress in some of the districts in contiguous states in Lok Sabha polls next year. This, many believe, explains the urgency the two sides are demonstrating in their voter outreach.

A blow to the BJP's political fortune in Madhya Pradesh like Karnataka, the only state in the south which kept its flag high, will dent its image of invincibility-- something it would like to avoid at all costs.

On Saturday, the presence of bigwigs like Congress party president Malikarjun Kharge and Narendra Modi and Union Minister Amit Shah addressing public rallies in three different parts of the state made it more than evident that the two battle-ready sides spare no effort to corner and beat the other from holding the reins of power.

Beginning on Saturday, Congress party president Mallikarjun Kharge addressed a rally in the tribal-dominated Dindori district in the Mahakoshal region. Kharge, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra have a long list of 17 rallies and programmes lined up for them across the state.

Narendra Modi addressed a rally in Ratlam on Saturday and Union Minister Amit Shah in Gwalior and Shivpuri districts in Gwalior and Chambal regions on Sunday touching upon Congress-leader's obsession with dynasty and power and the emotive issue of the Ram temple.

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Going by the mood across the state, the BJP will find it difficult to explain to voters, especially youngsters, its unimpressive scorecard when it comes to providing employment. Again, the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government has little to show for on the industry front and attracting big-ticket investment from major industrial houses. Moreover, nursing colleges scam, patwari recruitment scam, and Mahakal can cause enough headaches for the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government. “It would have served the government a lot better if it stayed focused on key areas like generating employment, improving education and the health sectors. This will impact the BJP in polls," says Rajesh Badia, an engineering consultant from Jabalpur region.

Airing similar sentiments, a retired additional director from MP Government, criticised the Shivraj government for its "dismal performance in area of employment generation and skewed priorities. He says, "The youngster will give a befitting response to the BJP in this assembly polls."

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