Know all about Sengol, the historical sceptre, to be installed in new Parliament building

A beautiful carving of 'Nandi' atop the 'Sengol', a historical sceptre from Tamil Nadu, that will be installed in the new Parliament building, to be inaugurated on May 28, in New Delhi. Photo: PTI

New Delhi: A historical sceptre from Tamil Nadu 'Sengol' will be installed at the new Parliament building to be inaugurated by  by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 28. 


The sceptre was received by India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to represent transfer of power from the British. It was kept in a museum in Allahabad.


According to Tamil tradition, a high priest presents a sceptre to a newly crowned king as a symbolic gesture of power transition. The one accorded the 'sengol' is expected to impart a just and impartial rule. C Rajagopalachari, the last Governor General of India, suggested that this tradition, observed by the Chola dynasty, could serve as a significant symbol of India's freedom from British rule.


The 'Sengol' was crafted by a renowned jeweller in Madras Vummidi Bangaru Chetty. This impressive sceptre measures five feet in length and features a 'nandi' bull at the top, representing the concept of justice.

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According to Union Home Minister Amit Shah, the Sengol represents the same feeling that Jawaharlal Nehru felt on August 14, 1947.

“The transfer of power is not merely a handshake or signing a document and that it must remain connected with local traditions keeping in mind modern needs,” he said.

The Home Minister said that new Parliament building is an example of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's far-sightedness.

The Senegol was received by first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to represent transfer of power from the British and was kept in a museum in Allahabad. Photo: PTI
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