Imam forced to chant 'Jai Sri Ram' in UP, 12 youths booked for assault

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Baghpat: Police have booked nearly 12 youths for allegedly pulling the beard of a Muslim cleric and forcing him to chant 'Jai Shri Ram'.

Superintendent of Police Shailesh Kumar Pandey Sunday said, "Prima facie it seems to be a matter of physical assault. Even then, the police have registered a case against 12 youngsters on the basis of the cleric's complaint. Action will be taken against them on the basis of the probe."

Citing the cleric's complaint, the SP said Imam Imlaq-ur-Rehman, a Muzaffarnagar resident, was going to his village on his motorcycle yesterday, when nearly 12 youngsters accosted him, beat him up and also pulled his beard.

The Imam claimed he was also forced to chant 'Jai Shri Ram', the SP said.

The cleric said he was rescued by two people of his village when he raised an alarm, added SP Pandey.

The complainant also said the youths told him to come to the village, only after shaving off his beard.

The SP said the cause of beating up is yet to be known.

SP Pandey said the Imam had registered a similar case in Muzaffarnagar district, which was later found to be true.

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