Things to check before buying a second-hand scooter

If the scooter has extended warranty, you can be sure that the vehicle had been serviced at authorised centres on time.
If the scooter has extended warranty, you can be sure that the vehicle had been serviced at authorised centres on time.
If the scooter has extended warranty, you can be sure that the vehicle had been serviced at authorised centres on time.
Scooter is a vehicle that is commonly used by everybody. Demand is high not only for new scooters but also for second-hand vehicles as well. However, never fall for the looks, take a test ride and then decide if you want to buy it or not. Besides, choose the model based on your usage. Try to avoid vehicles that have undergone rough usage; they could be poorly maintained too. Also ignore scooters that have not been serviced regularly.
Service history
If the scooter has extended warranty, you can be sure that the vehicle had been serviced at authorised centres on time. That also makes it easy to obtain the service history of the vehicle. The service history will have details like engine or accident work, if the vehicle has undergone the same.
It is better to go for a scooter that has run less than 50,000 km. If it has run more than 20,000 km, make sure that the tyres have been replaced. Vehicles that have run 35,000 km to 45,000 km are ideal.
Noise difference
Check if the sound on starting the ignition is different. If there are problems with engine spark plug, battery and others, there could be an unusual noise on starting the scooter. If the battery is weak, there could be difficulty in starting the vehicle; the sound will also be unusual. The sound difference could also be caused by problems of Bendix drive engagement mechanism used in starter motors, Bendix cup or a crank that is bent.
Test ride
Check for sound difference when you test ride the scooter. If the scooter wobbles during the ride, there could be problems to the shock absorber. Check if the engine pull is sluggish, vibrations can be felt during the ride and if there is difficulty in maintaining a straight line. It is advisable to get the engine checked with a technician to know if it is in good condition.
Engine sound
If the scooter has run without enough oil, the engine could produce unusual sound. If engine needs extensive work, then too there could be harsh sound. Problems related to gearbox, bearing, main shaft and lack of enough gear oil too could be made out from unusual sound.
Problems to front fork, hanger bush etc and low tyre pressure could cause vibrations. Excessive wear to tyres too can cause vibrations.