Gita, a homemaker from the Payagpur block has been elected as a kshetra panchayat head, says, now that she has won her priority is to work for the people.

Gita, a homemaker from the Payagpur block has been elected as a kshetra panchayat head, says, now that she has won her priority is to work for the people.

Gita, a homemaker from the Payagpur block has been elected as a kshetra panchayat head, says, now that she has won her priority is to work for the people.

Lucknow: Gita from Bahraich and Sonia in Saharanpur have never met, but their destinies took a similar path last week when both were elected in the panchayat polls.

Gita, a homemaker from the Payagpur block has been elected as a kshetra panchayat head.


Her husband, Pawan Kumar is a MNREGA worker and belongs to a Scheduled Caste community. His house has a thatched roof and a tin shed

Gita, who has done her intermediate, decided to try her luck in elections when the seat was reserved for women.


'Some of our friends suggested that I should try my luck and my husband also encouraged me. Now that I have won, my priority is to work for the people," she says.

In Baliakheri block of Saharanpur, Sonia has won as block chief.


Her husband Sunil Kumar is a 'safai' worker (sweeper).

It was Sunil who convinced a reluctant Sonia to contest the BDC polls from ward number 55. Sonia won the BDC election and later contested block chief polls and came out victorious.

"My husband and my family supported me in this journey. I aim to work for the development of the village," she vows.

Meanwhile, Sunil has decided to continue with his job and Sonia says her house will still run from the salary earned by her husband.