Know these new age acronyms to send terse messages
With WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms taking the centre stage new acronyms keep taking shape every now and then.
With WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms taking the centre stage new acronyms keep taking shape every now and then.
With WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms taking the centre stage new acronyms keep taking shape every now and then.
Internet has revolutionised the way we communicate and it has overhauled the communication process through prolific coinage and usage of acronyms and jargons. With WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms taking the centre stage new acronyms keep taking shape every now and then. Here are some common acronyms that will help you get abreast with the new age internet lexicon.
When you need to show that you are grateful
ty – thank you
tyvm – thank you very much
To conclude a conversation politely
gtg – got to go
ttyl – talk to you later
To express opinions and provide information
imho – in my humble opinion or imo – in my opinion
tbh – to be honest
fyi – for your information
When something is hilarious
lol – laughing out loud
When something surprises you
omg – oh my god
When you need to speak about the present
atm – at the moment
rn – right now
Be honest about the fact that you didn't read that long text
tl;dr – too long; didn't read
When you are unsure about something
idk – I don't know
When you are disappointed or annoyed by something
smh – shaking my head
When the spirit of adventure takes over you
yolo – you only live once
In addition to these, there are many other abbreviations that you will come across on various blogs, forums, in the comments sections of videos and on social media. As you engage in a conversation with friends and acquaintances online, try to make up your own acronyms that suit your particular needs. If others too find them useful, then maybe your invention might catch on and become popular!