#YogaChallenge: Be the warrior, try doing Virabhadrasana | Video

'Yoga With Onmanorama', is a series from us that will help you practice and achieve steadiness in asanas. Through this series, we will challenge you with one new asana every week. Readers can share their pictures or videos doing the asana with the hash tag #YogaWithOnmanorama and we will feature them in an article at the end of every week.

Caution: Before taking up the challenge, go through the 'Who shouldn't do it' bit of every asana and follow it.

Virabhadrasana or the warrior pose derives its name from a fierce warrior named Virabhadra.

Benefits of Virabhadrasana

This asana is beneficial for those with sedentary or desk bound jobs.

Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose demonstrated by Subi Surendran.

» Strengthens and tones the arms, legs and lower back.

» Improves balance in the body

» Increases stamina.

» Releases stress in the shoulders very effectively in a short span of time.

» Benefits pregnant ladies in their second and third trimester.

Things to remember

» Practice Virabhadrasana only after consulting your doctor if you suffer from spinal disorders or are recovering from a chronic illness.

» Those suffering from high blood pressure patients should avoid doing the asana.

» Avoid this posture if you are suffering or had recently suffered from diarrhea.

» If you suffer from knee pain or arthritis, use some support at the knee to hold this yoga posture.

(The author is an internationally trained yoga teacher and wellness researcher. You can Email her on hello@memetme.com, Whatsapp on +919567366250 and Facebook MeMetMeYoga)