How to pick the right coconut for best water? Here's how to drink it

Coconut water boosts your metabolism and digestion well.
Coconut water boosts your metabolism and digestion well.
Coconut water boosts your metabolism and digestion well.
Summer is almost here, and we will soon take better notice of those green bunches of coconuts on the roadsides whenever we venture out. Coconut water, packed with electrolytes, vitamin C, magnesium, sodium and potassium, hydrates you faster than water and has almost no calories. It also boosts your metabolism and digestion well. However, not many of us know how to drink coconut water right or even pick the best coconut from a roadside vendor to get the best water. Here are a few tips from the platform 'Coconut Seller India:'
1) Go for the fruit with the least number of brown patches. A consistent green colour or the one with the least number of discolourations would be the best pick. Coconuts with brown husks may not have much water inside.
2) Pick fruits that are round in shape, as it indicates they are 'younger'. Those in 'oblong' shape are relatively more mature. It can be tough to find perfectly round coconuts, so pick the ones that look the most fresh.
3) Young coconuts do not make much of a 'sloshing' sound when you shake them, as they are packed with water.
4) Check the top stem part to see whether it has any mould and the bottom part for black spots. Avoid such fruits.
How to drink coconut water, right?
1) Drink the water on an empty stomach for better metabolism and digestion.
2) Drink the water before a workout for an extra boost of energy. Drinking it post-workout can also replenish your body with lost minerals and prevent cramps.
3) Replace your coffee with coconut water in the afternoon.
4) If possible, avoid the packaged versions and go for a fresh coconut.
5) Do not drink water with heavy meals, drink it an hour before or after your meals
6) If you have low BP, drink the water in moderation.
7) If you are diabetic, pick green tender coconuts only as they will have less sugar content.