Do you experience fatigue and sugar cravings? These may be symptoms of this deficiency

The body will break down muscle if it doesn’t get enough protein. Photo: iStock/LumiNola

Protein is essential for the healthy functioning of the human body. It repairs tissues while helping to produce enzymes and hormones. Moreover, protein is essential for boosting the body’s immunity, maintaining muscle mass, and maintaining skin, hair, and nail health. Protein deficiency may lead to severe health problems like muscle loss and fatigue.
Muscle loss and weakness
Protein is essential to maintain the muscle mass. The body will break down muscle if it doesn’t get enough protein. This leads to muscle loss and weakness, making it extremely difficult to raise heavy objects, climb stairs or do daily chores. You may feel too weak to do these things as your body loses strength.

Delay in wound healing
Protein helps repair damaged tissues and makes new ones, too. Protein deficiency could delay wound healing. If the body takes too much time to heal a wound or an injury, then it is a sign that you need to increase your protein intake.
Prolonged infections
A weak immune system is an indicator of protein deficiency. The antibodies that fight infections are made with protein. So, protein deficiency would weaken the body’s immunity and result in prolonged cases of common cold, fever and other infections.

Poor skin, hair and nail health
Protein is the main ingredient in hair, skin, and nails. Not including enough protein in your diet may lead to severe hair loss, cracked nails, and dry skin.
Protein is an amazing energy source, so if you have a protein deficiency, you will feel weak and exhausted. Prolonged exhaustion and fatigue are signs of a lack of enough protein in your diet.
Protein helps fill your stomach and controls your appetite. If you don't include enough protein in your diet, you may feel hunger pangs, craving carbohydrate-rich food and sweet treats. Besides, protein deficiency makes the body turn to other unhealthy sources of energy.

Protein can produce neurotransmitters that control your intellectual faculties and mental state. You may feel mood swings if the body lacks enough protein. If the brain doesn’t function properly, it could lead to anxiety and stress. Moreover, protein deficiency may be a major reason for your inability to enjoy emotional well-being. If you experience these symptoms, you may be suffering from protein deficiency. To overcome this condition, you could try including more protein-rich foods in your daily diet. 

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