Are you an 'abrosexual' person? Know more about the trending sexual identity

Abrosexuals usually find it difficult to date or find partners. Photo: Shutterstock/GaudiLab

A person’s sexuality determines whom they or do not feel sexually attracted to. Based on sexual orientation, humans are classified into heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or asexual, among others. Heterosexual or ‘straight’ people typically feel sexual or romantic attraction to the opposite gender, while homosexuals feel physically attracted to people of the same gender. A person who identifies as bisexual can be of any gender and can feel sexually or romantically attracted to their gender, opposite gender or any other gender. Meanwhile, abrosexuality is the latest term to enter the dictionary of terms associated with sexuality. Abrosexuality is a fluid sexual orientation that changes rapidly over the course of hours, days, months or years. This denotes the fluctuating nature of human sexuality, just like everything else changes.

Who is an abrosexual?
An abrosexual person who feels sexual attraction to an opposite gender now may feel attracted to a person of same gender a few weeks later. Their sexual orientation keeps fluctuating and there is a sense of fluidity in it. The term likely derives from the Greek word ‘abro’ which means delicate or graceful. Some times abosexuality is confused with asexuality even though a person who identifies as abrosexual may experience asexuality. But, this too can quickly change to another sexuality. According to certain reports, an abrosexual person may experience fluctuating sexual orientation each day. Due to this unpredictable and fluid nature of their sexuality, abrosexuals usually find it difficult to date or find partners. So, those who identify themselves as abrosexuals aren’t always interested in long-term relationships.

How is it different from pansexuality?
It must be noted that abrosexuality is different from pansexuality or asexuality. While pansexual people are always attracted to all genders, abrosexuals are attracted to a partner of a particular gender at a time. Besides, they don’t show lack of sexual attraction to others or low sexual desires like asexual people. Even though abrosexual people may sometimes behave asexual, it is not a permanent state.

Interestingly, the term abrosexual is one of more than a hundred terms to describe sexual orientations. Usually, the term abro romantic too is used along with abrosexual. Those who are abro romantic may develop romantic or emotional attraction to people of different gender at a time; it is not necessary that they feel sexual or physical attraction to the other person. However, at times both abrosexual and abro romantic are used interchangeably. 

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