When new Delhi CM Atishi Singh experienced hypoglycemia: How it affected her

On the fifth day of the paani satyagraha strike, Aditi Singh was hospitalised as her health deteriorated and had extremely low blood sugar and sodium. Photo: Instagram/@atishi.aap

A few months ago, Delhi's new CM Atishi Singh, who was the Water Minister during the time, went on an indefinite hunger strike aka paani satyagraha. It was during a time when Delhi grappled with a major water shortage in June. However, on the fifth day of the strike, she was hospitalised as her health deteriorated and had extremely low blood sugar and sodium. She even had ketones in her urine sample, as her liver function was affected. Dr Suresh Kumar, the director of LNJP hospital where Atishi was admitted, said that Aditi had hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels. How does the condition affect a patient?

How hypoglycemia affects a patient
The symptoms of the condition are shakiness, confusion, fatigue, sweating, irritability, hunger, and dizziness. It can also lead to slurred speech, coordination issues, loss of consciousness, and seizures. Sometimes, it can also result in long-term memory issues, cardiovascular stress, and an increased risk of falls. 
How Atishi Singh was revived
Hypoglycemia is a state in which the blood sugar level is lower than the standard requirement of 70-100. Apparently, Atishi's blood sugar level was 40 at the time. She was admitted to the ICU and put on IV fluids. To treat the condition, fast-acting carbs like fruit juices, sugary candies, and glucose tablets are generally administered. Regular blood sugar monitoring is also essential for those suffering from the condition. 

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