Depression in senior citizens: What triggers the condition? Psychiatrist explains

Old people are often bothered with many lifestyle diseases and health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, heart ailments and stroke, among many others. Photo: iStock/shapecharge

Bollywood actors Malaika and Amrita Arora’s father, Anil Kuldip Mehta, died by suicide a few days ago. As per reports, the 65-year-old rang up both his daughters before jumping off the balcony of the sixth-floor flat and said that he was 'tired.' Though Malaika's mother, who was divorced from Anil, was also at their residence around the time, she noticed his absence only later. Many people wonder why a rich and happy person like Anil would take his own life. There have been many cases in recent times of senior citizens who do not have many years left to live or feel their future is bleak, taking their own lives. What pushes them to this stage?

Forgetfulness, diseases and more
Old people are often bothered with many lifestyle diseases and health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, heart ailments and stroke, among many others. The thought that they may not be able to enjoy life as before, maintain high standards of life or the realisation that life won’t be the same would push them into anxiety and depression. Showing symptoms of forgetfulness too could lead to depression. Besides, in their retired life, some people may turn to alcohol addiction or other forms of intoxications which causes depressive symptoms.

Old people may suffer from depression even if there aren’t any particular reasons. Depressive state that lasts for more than two weeks, lack of interest in anything, exhaustion, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, lack of concentration, negative thoughts, loneliness, feeling that there is no one to help them, thinking that there is no point in living anymore, lethargy, suicidal thoughts and believing that it is better to end their life than to live a sorry life, are some of the symptoms of depression in old age.
Information courtesy: Chikku Mathew, Consultant Psychiatrist, Caritas Hospital, Kottayam. 

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