What is lip cancer? Here are the symptoms and treatment

The risk factors of lip cancer vary depending upon the exact spot where the lesions are found and at which stage the treatment was begun. Photo: Istock/BigNazik

Lip cancer is a type of oral cancer that occurs on the skin of the lips. Most lip cancers begin on the thin and scaly layer of the lips called the squamous cells. It is possible to diagnose lip cancer at the first stage itself. The sores in your mouth that do not heal completely may be a symptom of lip cancer. These sores may be red in light-skinned people and appear dark greyish or brown in dark-skinned people. Even though the sores heal, cancer exists as the infection stays in the body longer.
How does it spread?
Lip cancer spreads at different rates in different people. In some, it spreads quickly, while it spreads slowly or at a moderate speed in others. Meanwhile, the risk factors of lip cancer vary depending upon the exact spot where the lesions are found and at which stage the treatment begins. As per a study conducted in 2017, the cancer spreads within 10 – 12 months. However, in some people, metastasis or cancer spreading to different parts of the body could happen in under three months. If untreated, lip cancer could spread to the lymph nodes, jawline, and other tissues in the mouth, lungs, and other parts of the body.

1) Liesons occur continuously in the mouth or sores that are never completely healed.
2) Hard cyst on lips
3) White or red spots on lips
4) Tingling pain or swelling on the lips
5) Bleeding on lips
6) Change in the colour and structure of lips
7) Difficulty moving the jawline or swallowing
8) Swelling in the lymph nodes on the neck

1) These are some of the causes of lip cancer:
2) Use of tobacco, smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes or beedi
3) Over consumption of alcohol
4) Caucasian skin tone
5) The risk of lip cancer is higher if you are over forty
6) Human Papilloma Virus or HPV
7) Weak immunity

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