Have diabetes and high blood pressure? Avoid these food items

The high glycemic index in white bread could instantly increase the sugar levels in your blood. Photo: Shutterstock/Kritchai7752

Food plays a significant role in controlling lifestyle diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes. Some food items, especially processed and white-coloured food, could rapidly increase sugar levels and blood pressure. So, it is better to avoid the following white foods if you have diabetes or high BP.
White bread
White bread is made using refined flour after removing the vitamins, minerals and fibre from the grains. The high glycemic index in white bread could instantly increase the sugar levels in your blood. Moreover, as it doesn’t contain any fibre, white bread could stimulate hunger pangs in persons with high blood pressure, leading to overeating and obesity. Besides, white bread could also lead to hypertension. Meanwhile, breads made using whole grains contain nutrients and can even control blood sugar.

White rice
White rice is refined rice after removing the husk and may raise the sugar levels in the blood. Besides, regular consumption of white rice may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. It has a high glycemic index and could lead to quicker weight gain and high blood pressure. Brown rice with husk, quinoa and barley that are loaded with nutrients are some of the healthy alternatives to white rice. These food items help in controlling the blood sugar level and improve heart health too.
Like all other food items made using refined flour, pasta too is unhealthy. The low fibre content in pasta would instantly shoot the blood sugar level. So, diabetics should avoid eating pasta. As pasta digests easily, the insulin level rises rapidly in people with high blood pressure, leading to hypertension and weight gain.
Pasta made using whole grains or pulses are healthier alternative. The high fibre and protein in these pasta varieties help in regulating the blood sugar level.

Potatoes are storehouses of starch. The blood sugar level rapidly rises when you consume potatoes such as crispy French fries or silky-smooth mashed potatoes. A sudden increase in blood sugar levels may cause problems in diabetic patients. Those who have high blood pressure too should be careful while eating potatoes. Fried potatoes or crisps contain high sodium which leads to high blood pressure and hypertension. Instead of potatoes, diabetics and people with high BP could consume vegetables and sweet potatoes that have a low glycemic index.
Sugar isn’t an ideal ingredient to be added to your regular diet. The high sugar content in processed foods could rapidly increase the blood sugar. People with high blood pressure too should avoid consuming sugar as processed white sugar leads to weight gain, increased blood pressure and high insulin resistance. Natural sweeteners like stevia or honey could be used in minimal quantities instead of sugar.

Sugar isn’t an ideal ingredient to be added to your regular diet. Photo: IANS

Processed food
Processed food items or popular bakery goodies and snacks like pastries and cookies are mostly made with all-purpose flour and contain unhealthy fats. Besides having high calorific value, these foods don’t have any nutritional qualities. So, snacking on these items may lead to rapid weight gain and high blood sugar levels. If diabetics consume such food items, then the sugar in their blood shoots instantly to uncontrollable levels. Those who have high blood pressure too should avoid eating processed foods as they contain high sodium which could lead to hypertension and obesity.

Diabetics and people with high blood pressure should consume healthy food items made using whole grains and other nutritious ingredients. Using salt with high sodium may increase the risk of heart ailments. Besides, high sodium levels in diabetics could lead to fluid retention and other serious health problems.
Instead of regular salt, spices that have low sodium could be used in food. Himalayan salt or rock salt too are healthy alternatives. Reducing the quantity of salt that is added to food would help control blood pressure and protect the heart. Moreover, using less salt in your diet would ensure good health and well-being.

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