Peanuts are not as bad as you think for weight loss: Know more

News studies say that including peanuts in our daily diet is good for heart health. Photo: iStock/Mohammed Sohail Khan

There are contradicting opinions about whether peanuts are a healthy snack or not. Many believe that peanuts are an unhealthy source of protein due to their high-fat content. However, a few new studies suggest that peanuts are not as bad as we think they are. These are some of the amazing health benefits of including peanuts in your daily diet.
1) Protects heart
Some studies show that peanuts are rich in monosaturated and polysaturated fats and it lowers the LDL cholesterol levels. However, peanuts should be consumed in limited portions to stay healthy and fit. The arginine content in it boosts the production of nitric oxide to improve blood circulation. Besides, peanuts contain magnesium, vitamin E and potassium which is excellent for heart health.
2) Reduces risk of cancer
Resveratrol and p – Coumaric acid in peanuts are antioxidants that protect the cells from injuries caused by free radicals and help reduce the risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s.

3) Source of protein
Peanuts are a rich source of plant-based protein. They contain nine varieties of amino acids that are essential for muscle growth and overall human health.
4) Weight loss
The high protein and fibre in peanuts make the stomach feel full. It controls appetite and prevents us from overeating. Meanwhile, dietary fibre improves digestive health too.
5) Boosts immunity
A storehouse of nutrients, peanuts are a great source of energy too. The essential vitamins and minerals in peanuts boost immunity and protect us from viruses.
6) Available in different varieties
While you could enjoy peanuts as they are, value-added products like peanut butter and peanut protein powder are also available in the market. You could choose these items as per your taste and requirements. 

How peanuts benefit men
While speaking specifically about men's health, peanuts can help men improve prostate health due to their zinc content, lower bad LDL cholesterol for better heart health, and improve antioxidant protection, bone health and brain function. 
How peanuts benefit women
The presence of folate aka vitamin B9 in peanuts is said to be beneficial for pregnant women. It also has amino acids to handle mood swings, reduce the risk of breast cancer and contribute to hormonal balance.   
Boiled peanuts - good or bad?
When boiled without added salt or seasoning, peanuts can retain essential nutrients like protein, vitamins and minerals, healthy fats and fibre. At the same time, boiled peanuts are calorie-dense and excess consumption can result in increased calorie intake. Those with peanut allergies should also avoid boiled peanuts.   

Do peanuts increase cholesterol?
According to renowned nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, peanuts are good for those who suffer from excess cholesterol issues. Peanuts themselves do not increase cholesterol, due to their nutrient profile. They have healthy fats, fibre content and have plant sterols that can block the absorption of cholesterol.

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