Raisins, sultanas and currants: Which dried grape variety is best to improve metabolism?

Raisins and sultanas are made from a variety of grapes called the Thompson Seedless, and currants are made from Black Corinth grapes. Photo: Shutterstock/Pixel-Shot

Dried grapes are used across the world as an easy source of digestive health, weight management, a natural sweetener and a metabolism booster. There are different kinds of dried grapes and the most common ones are raisins, sultanas and currants. Raisins and sultanas are made from a variety of grapes called the Thompson Seedless, and currants are made from Black Corinth grapes. Each of them has a different taste and flavour, and their uses also differ from region to region. However, in many cultures, it is also considered a snack and something that can be added to your weight loss diet. If you want to give your metabolism a boost, experts say currants are the best out of the three as it has a high level of fibre and is dried more naturally. Here's how to enjoy currants to improve your metabolism and shed some kilos

1) Pair with cheese or nuts
Mix the fruit with goat or feta cheese to add some protein, carbs and fats to the snack. This will not only balance nutrients, it will also boost your energy, give it an interesting texture and taste, improve your digestive health and help you control the portion you eat. The pairing can be done as part of a salad as well. You can achieve similar results by mixing it with nuts too. 
2) Pre-meal snacks
Between your meals, have a handful of currants to ensure portion control of your foods. You can mix currants with nut butter, honey, oats and a pinch of cinnamon, roll it into small balls and refrigerate it. These energy balls can reduce hunger pangs between meals and also pump some energy before and after meals. 
3) Hydration
These fruits have high water content, electrolytes like potassium, natural sugars that help fluid absorption and essential vitamins that support overall health. They are no substitute for water or other drinks, but their addition to the diet is a convenient method to increase water intake. 

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