Want to reduce belly fat? These tips can speed it up

The first step to reducing your belly fat is finding out whether it is pointing a finger at any underlying health condition. Photo: Shutterstock/Marina Demeshko

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn forms of fat, which refuses to go even when you are on the last leg of your weight loss journey. The first step to reducing it is finding out whether it is pointing a finger at any underlying health condition. If it is regular body fat formed due to lack of enough exercise, excessive sitting or a general sedentary lifestyle, you can work on it by making gradual, small changes. Here are a few tips for it.
Crunches, which is a core workout routine, is an effective method to reduce belly fat. This workout that strengthens the rectus abdominus muscle is amazing, not just for aesthetic reasons but to maintain a healthy and fit body too. Those who aim for a six-pack figure do not miss crunches at the gym. Besides correcting our posture, crunches could keep away back pain too. Moreover, you could do crunches without interrupting other bodily functions.

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or hold them behind the head. Engage your abs, lift your head and shoulders off the floor and hold the position for a few counts. Then, slowly lower yourself back down. Make sure that your hips are rested on the floor while doing crunches. Do not forget to breathe in while lifting your head and shoulders. Focus on the muscles and breathe out while lowering yourself back down.
A study published in the ‘Strength and Condition Research’ says that crunches which is an excellent exercise for core strengthening activate the rectus abdominus muscles.

Fibre rich diet
Fibres should be strictly included in your daily diet to keep away belly fat. This would keep your stomach full, preventing you from overeating. Moreover, a fibre-rich diet is excellent to ensure the health of your digestive system. Soluble fibre gets turned into a gel-like substance inside the gut, slowing down digestion and satiating hunger. Apple, pear, berries, broccoli, carrot, beans, dal, peanuts, quinoa, oats, whole grains and millet are rich sources of fibre. Studies show that belly fat could be effectively reduced by including at least 10 grams of fibre in your daily diet. You could achieve a flatter tummy by increasing fibre intake without actually making any significant changes to your diet.

Most people suffer from bloating which makes you uncomfortable. Potassium helps in controlling the sodium levels in the body and prevents water retention and bloating. Plantains, sweet potatoes, spinach and avocado are rich in potassium.
Green tea
Green tea can melt away fat. Antioxidants called catechins in green tea help in improving metabolism and reduce fat. A research report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that green tea could be consumed for fat-burning especially while working out. Moreover, green tea can increase metabolic activities at least by 4% and burn more calories. You could drink up to 2 – 3 cups of green tea daily.
Ginger improves digestion and makes the stomach feel lighter. Moreover, ginger reduces inflammation and relaxes the stomach muscles. You could add a few pieces of ginger in hot water to make delicious and refreshing ginger tea. Ginger which is known for its incredible health benefits is a main ingredient in most Indian cuisines. 

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