Are your eyes tired? Simple exercises to combat vision fatigue

Set timers on your phone or alarms to remind you to take an eye break every 20 minutes. Photo: Shutterstock/Tirachard Kumtanom

Jobs that require us to sit for longer hours staring into our computers trigger many lifestyle diseases. A lot of them have to do with eyes, ranging from simple vision fatigue, dry eye syndrome and headaches to blurred vision issues. The best way to combat these issues without them affecting your job is to take short, regular breaks to relax your eyes. You can also do the following simple exercises to improve blood circulation and vision, reduce strain and let your eyes cool down. Alongside these, make sure you adjust the brightness on your screen settings, and the room and also use anti-glare glasses for better results. An annual eye check-up can also keep an eye on any issues with your vision. 

1) 20-20-20 Rule
Set timers on your phone or alarms to remind you to take an eye break every 20 minutes. Then, look away from the screen at an object about 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. This will help your eye muscles recover, produce enough moisture in your eyes and increase visual comfort. 
2) Visual perception exercise
Draw two identical figures on a piece of paper in such a way that they are side by side, slightly apart. Hold the paper at a comfortable viewing distance. After that, vertically hold a pencil between the paper and your eyes. Each figure should be on either side of the pencil. First, look at the pencil for 10 or 15 seconds. Then, look at the space between the figures and the pencil, you will be able to see the two figures as three at some point. Adjust the pencil to get the position that best creates the 'three-figure' illusion. Hold it as long as your eyes are not strained. You can repeat it as per your comfort. 

3) Eye rolls
For blood circulation and eye muscle relaxation, move your eyeballs clockwise, anti-clockwise and diagonally on both sides for a few reps. You can end it by relaxing your eyes with the warmth of your palms, rubbed together. 
4) Deliberate blinking
To help your eyes remain moist and relaxed, blink them frequently, especially when you don't have the time to give them a break. 
5) Figure 8 roll
Take your eyes off the screens, focus them on a cooler surface and draw the figure 8 with your eyes. You can also do it in the opposite direction, to stretch the eye muscles. 

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