Will hearing loss happen in a minute? This is what happened to Alka Yagnik

This rare condition usually affects only one ear. However, in Alka’s case, it is said to have affected both her ears.
This rare condition usually affects only one ear. However, in Alka’s case, it is said to have affected both her ears.
This rare condition usually affects only one ear. However, in Alka’s case, it is said to have affected both her ears.
Noted playback singer Alka Yagnik shocked her fans recently when she revealed that she had been diagnosed with a rare sensory hearing loss, a few weeks ago. Those who heard the news couldn’t believe that a person, who didn’t have any issues with hearing capability, could suddenly lose his/her hearing. ENT surgeon Dr Vinod B Nair speaks to us about the rare condition called sudden sensory neural deafness. A person could be affected by sudden sensory neural deafness quite abruptly within minutes. It is not a gradual loss of hearing; in fact, you may have been able to hear until a minute ago. This is the most important symptom of the rare condition. Sometimes, it may take up to 72 hours to lose your hearing.
This rare condition usually affects only one ear. However, in Alka’s case, it is said to have affected both her ears, a condition that medical experts call rare. In her social media post, Alka said that she suddenly felt she was not able to hear anything as she walked out of a flight. She added that she lost hearing in both ears by evening. Viral infection may be the reason why Alka has lost hearing in both her ears. Sudden sensory neuro-deafness could be caused due to many reasons. Some of them are:
1) Viral infection
2) Changes that happen in blood circulation. For instance, just like a heart attack or brain stroke, a lack of proper blood supply to the ears may cause hearing loss.
3) Auto-immune diseases
4) Trauma caused by accidents too could be the reason for sudden sensory neuro deafness
5) Injuries
6) Certain medicines like the one prescribed for tuberculosis may cause this condition. Besides, auto-toxic medicines may be the reason.
7) Tumors inside the ears
Symptoms and diagnosis
Abrupt hearing loss, buzzing sound inside ears, nausea or swelling in the ears are the four main symptoms of sudden sensory neuro deafness. You should seek medical help as soon as you experience these symptoms. The condition could be diagnosed only through a hearing test. Besides, an MRI and CT scan may be ordered to screen for tumours. Meanwhile, blood tests will reveal whether it is a viral infection or an autoimmune condition. There is a good chance for recovery if you seek treatment within 24 hours.
Usually, people tend to ignore these symptoms, mistaking them for a common cold; or they may delay treatment thinking that it may have caused due to water in the ears. Even if they go to the hospital, they might consult a general physician instead of an ENT specialist. Doctors who aren’t ENT specialists may not be able to correctly diagnose this condition. They are more likely to assume it is a common cold and prescribe medicines for that.
Oral steroids in high doses are usually prescribed to treat sudden sensory neuro-deafness. These medicines may not be as effective if they aren’t consumed in the correct dosage. So, only an ENT expert may be able to determine the dosage and treatment plan. If the condition doesn’t begin to improve within 3 – 4 weeks, it is unlikely that you may have a full recovery. There is a recovery rate of up to 70 – 80% in those who have sought immediate medical attention. It is really important to seek immediate medical help as sudden sensory neuro-deafness is a medical emergency.