Flesh eating bacterial infection spreading in Japan: Should we be worried?

Avoid sharing personal items, especially those like towels and utensils, which can risk the spread of the bacteria. Photo: Shutterstock/PopTika

A disease known as Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome or STSS is spreading across Japan, worrying the world. Around 1,000 cases of the illness, which results in death within 48 hours, have been reported so far in the country. Experts say that those with open wounds are at risk of the disease and poor hygiene practices invite the infection. The disease causes fever, chills and muscle aches at first and it rapidly progresses to a multi-organ failure in patients. High doses of antibiotics and supportive care are essential to treat STSS patients. As cases are on the rise in the country, many wonder whether the rest of the world should also be worried. Many experts opine that STSS can spread through international travel. Here are a few steps that can help reduce the risk of the disease. 
1) Just like you did in the pandemic times, wash your hands regularly with soap and water. 
2) Give adequate care to any open wound, cleaning them with antiseptic medicine. Also, cover them well with bandages or clothes.
3) Use masks wherever possible, or cover your nose and mouth with tissue, and prevent respiratory droplets from falling into the area. 
4) Stay away from those who are unwell, especially if they have flown in the past few days. 
5) Avoid sharing personal items, especially those like towels and utensils, which can risk the spread of the bacteria. 

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