Why shun white rice? Here's how to make it nutritious

Rice is a storehouse of vitamin B, iron, antioxidants and minerals.
Rice is a storehouse of vitamin B, iron, antioxidants and minerals.
Rice is a storehouse of vitamin B, iron, antioxidants and minerals.
Many of us can't think of lunch without a bowl of rice. But the good old rice is taking a pounding now when crash diets and a plethora of dietary supplements are ruling the roost in the era of weight reduction. This is even though for a long time we believed that rice is not just a source of calories, but also a source of life. Many households today keep rice at bay fearing that its intake can result in weight gain. But the fact of the matter is that rice is a nutritious food if consumed in the right way. There is no need to shun white rice as its high carbohydrate content gives instant energy to the body.
Rice is also a storehouse of vitamin B, iron, antioxidants and minerals. As a natural diuretic, rice helps reduce irregular bowel movements and constipation. It may be noted that a plate of rice contains 4 to 5 grams of protein. Rice can be a healthy meal if a moderate portion is smartly paired with adequate quantities of protein and fibre. Here's how to go about it.
1) Wash and soak: Ensure to wash rice properly to remove dirt and other impurities, and soak it for nearly two hours. This process will help in reducing the glycemic index (GI) thereby lessening the risk of blood sugar spikes in the body.
2) Remove boiling froth: Remove the froth that is formed after boiling rice. This will help to separate excess starch, phytic acid and impurities. Moreover, it also helps in reducing the chances of spurts in blood sugar.
3) Add bay leaf: A bay leaf not only makes rice nutritious but also helps in digestion.
4) Add coconut oil: Adding a teaspoon of coconut oil or lean fat can reduce GI by 50 per cent. This will be beneficial for insulin-resistant people.
5) Add lemon: Lemons help easy absorption of nutrients.
Is it possible for the body not to absorb starch?
Rice consists of starch, which can be digested, and resistant starch. As the human body doesn’t have the enzymes to break down resistant starch to aid digestion, it is not converted into sugar or absorbed into the bloodstream like the starch that could be digested. There will be a dip in the calorie intake if the starch that could be digested is converted into resistant starch.
As per the research conducted by the American Chemical Society, the calories in rice can be reduced by 60 per cent by adding coconut oil or refrigeration. For this, add a teaspoon of coconut oil while the rice is boiling and later half a cup of non-fortified white rice. Cook rice for nearly 40 minutes, and the cooked rice should be refrigerated for 12 hours. If rice is cooked following this method, it will have 10 times more resistant starch and a calorie reduction of 10 to 15 per cent. The studies have shown that the glucose units will be in a loose form in freshly cooked hot rice but they will become tight bonds that are more resistant to digestion when refrigerated. Studies have also proved that the quantum of resistant starch doesn’t change while reheating cold-cooked rice.