What is botulism? Here's how it is connected to your favourite mayonnaise

If the eggs used to prepare mayonnaise are not pasteurized, processing and packing equipment are not sanitised and if the mayonnaise is not stored at conducive temperatures, the bacterium can grow and produce toxins. Photo: iStock

A few weeks ago, a 'botulism' outbreak in Saudi Arabia, following which a person died and 75 got hospitalised, was doing rounds on social media. The country's health ministry said that a lab test identified clostridium botulinum in the Bon Tum mayonnaise brand used by the Hamburgini food chain in Riyadh. Mayonnaise is a major part of the regular diet of a common expatriate in Saudi Arabia. It is served with broasted chicken, nuggets, kebab, al faham, burgers, and sandwiches, fried or roasted meat. However, not many realize that mayonnaise may be tasty but it could be dangerous too. Using expired or stale mayonnaise could lead to severe health problems like botulism. 

What is botulism?
A serious illness caused by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum found in soil, water, and improperly processed or preserved foods, botulism affects the nervous system. The rare disease can occur when the bacterium grows in improperly stored, processed or canned food. The bacterium that does not require oxygen for growth, is often seen the most in tinned food or vacuum-packed food items.

Mayonnaise, particularly when homemade, contains raw eggs. This can aid the growth of harmful bacteria if not handled and stored properly. Generally, commercially produced mayonnaise undergoes quality control measures to prevent contamination. But, if the eggs used in it are not pasteurized, processing and packing equipment are not sanitised and if the mayonnaise is not stored at conducive temperatures, the bacterium can grow and produce toxins in commercial mayonnaise too. 

Symptoms of botulism
Its symptoms are muscle weakness, paralysis, and potentially life-threatening respiratory failure and early diagnosis is extremely crucial for its treatment. The condition produces a toxin that weakens the nervous system of the body. Facial weakness, trouble swallowing or speaking, blurred or double vision and shortness of breath are some of the symptoms of botulism. It is treated with antitoxin and supportive care.

Seek medical treatment immediately
The symptoms of Clostridium botulinum bacterium are distinctive and are easily detectable. IV fluids or painkillers too may be used if required to treat the condition. In critical situations, the bacterium may affect the respiratory system causing severe shortness of breath. In such cases, the patient has to be transferred to the ICU and put on mechanical ventilation. Medical experts say that, with proper treatment, the chances of death of a botulism patient would be less than seven per cent. It is better to consume cooked food while it is still hot. When cooked, the bacteria and toxins would perish in the high heat. Besides, food should be cooked and handled properly as clostridium botulinum bacterium is a rare but serious condition. One should be aware about the food safety guidelines and take proper precautions while eating tinned or canned food items. 

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