Super coriander: The leaf that can lower uric acid, creatinine levels

Coriander or cilantro is a leafy vegetable which is widely used for food recipes owing to its health benefits. Though a spice ingredient, coriander has a prominent place in Ayurveda.

Coriander leaves of late are being widely used for reducing the levels of creatinie and uric acid in blood. Though the use of the leaves alone may not be able to bring down the uric acid levels, it can accelerate the normalsation of uric acid and creatinine levels along with medicinal dosage. It is also good for urine flow.

How to use

Take a bunch of coriander leaves, wash the leaves well. Now that the vegetables are said to be largely contaminated by chemical substances like pesticides and other substances, it is advisable to leave the leaves immersed in salt water for half an hour before it is used.

Cut away the roots and boil the leaves in two glasses of water in a closed vessel for 10 minutes. Allow it it to cool with out removing the lid. Consume the liquid preferably on an empty stomach.

Other benefits

Coriander is a rich source of dietary fiber, iron, manganese and magnesium. Besides protein the leaves contain Vitamin C and Vitamin K. Vitamin K is good for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Minerals like Calcium, potassium, thiamin, phosphorous and niacin are also found the leaves in small amounts.

Coriander is good for digestive system and promotes liver functions and bowel movements. It is also good for diabetes patients as it can stimulate the insulin secretion and lower the blood sugar levels. Coriander also helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels.

Vitamin A, which is a fat soluble vitamin and an antioxidant, prevents lung and cavity cancers. It provides resistance against arthritis. Its anti-septic properties help cure mouth ulcer. The antioxidants in coriander prevent eye diseases. Meanwhile, coriander seeds are especially good for the menstrual flow.

(With inputs from Dr. Sahla K R, Thanusukham Ayurveda Clinic, Thiruvanathapuram)

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