Have you ever visited a nature-friendly home? Check out this house in Kozhikode

The exterior of the house

This house in Malaparamba, Kozhikode district is an out and out nature-friendly home. Even though the total area of the house is 1500 sq ft, only 1000 sq ft has been utilized to construct the house, as rest of the space is set apart for the courtyard, situated at the center of the house. This alluring house is the realization of the dream of its owner to have a perfect green building, which is amicable to nature in appearance as well as in the making.

The dining area

The rectangular plot is shaped in the form of an arrow-head at the entrance. Only a piece of land in the front and at the back of the house has been left out as per the governmental rules. All other areas fall inside the house. The compound wall on two sides of the plot also serves as the wall of the house.

The backyard

There is no wall or gate in front of the house to block the view from outside. The boundaries of the house are marked by the lawn. The climbers planted in the courtyard to envelope the roof and the walls, keep the house cool. A mango tree, a guava tree, a water apple and akasha thamara are planted in the courtyard that separates the living room and the private rooms. The water lily pond in the courtyard is a delightful sight. There is also a prayer space here.

The sit out

As the dining area, bedrooms and the kitchen lead to this courtyard, freshness diffused from here permeates all over. The well that was in the plot was preserved with some minor modifications to fit the overall design.

The area around the house

The house is constructed with reusable materials. The wall is built with laterite stones. Mud mixed with a modicum of cement was used for fixing the stone. Cashew resin was used to polish the stone and to make it pest-resistant. Lime was used instead of paint, while kota stone, floor tiles and wooden planks were used for flooring. Windows are made out of wood.

The staircase

A special arrangement was made for the rain water that falls in the courtyard to flow directly into the well. The plywood used for the cupboards is neither painted nor polished. ‘Chaman’ the home flaunts its nature-friendliness in form and function.

The bedroom

About the Architect

Biju Balan, the architect of this home, obtained his degree in architecture from TKM College, Kollam in 1997. He began his career as the associate architect at Sthapathy Architects. He started his own architectural firm with the name ‘The Laurels’ in 2002. Biju has won IIA award for designing excellence.