When old Thodupuzha house underwent stunning makeover with its soul intact

A sloped truss roof paved with roofing tiles was newly added to give the elevation a classy look. Photo: Special arrangement

Aby Paulose and family are ever delighted to narrate how they gave a modern facelift to their ancestral home at Anikad near Thodupuzha, which is almost five decades old. The owner, an expatriate, was worried when he realised that time had begun taking a toll on his home that was built by his beloved father. Even though the family was unhappy with the space constraints and lack of proper facilities, Aby didn’t have the heart to pull down the house. That is when he decided on renovation, by preserving the fond memories attached to it.

A roofing sheet was installed over the single-storey concrete house. Even though the house is around 45 years old, the engineer certified that the structure was still sturdy. He guaranteed that more spaces could be added to the existing structure. Meanwhile, the structure was further strengthened using beams. Meanwhile, a sloped truss roof paved with roofing tiles was newly added to give the elevation a classy look. The glass ceiling in the centre lets in oodles of natural sunshine, making the interiors brighter and cheerful. Besides, a mezzanine floor too has been added between the floors, turning it into a cosy sitting area.

The renovated house has a car porch, sit-out, formal and family living areas, dining space, kitchen and two bedrooms on the ground floor. Meanwhile, the upper floor has a bedroom. The space constraints were overcome by rearranging the spaces inside the house; redundant walls were pulled down to make the interiors spacious and open. Sunlight refused to enter the congested and dark bedrooms in the old house. So, lots of windows have been arranged in the renovated house to ensure cross ventilation and natural lighting.

The old flooring has been completely replaced with new and shiny tiles. Besides, some electrical and plumbing jobs too have been redone to ensure safety. Some pieces of the family’s old furniture are reused while the rest are customised ones that match the aesthetics of the new house.

The bedrooms have bay windows to enjoy the beautiful nature, as well as attached bathrooms and wardrobes. Now, this house hardly looks like it is an old house that has been given a modern makeover. The family too are happy that they got a ‘new’ house without losing the charm of their favourite home.

The old house

Project Facts
Location – Thodupuzha
Owner – Aby Paulose
Architect – John Sebastian
Volks Architects, Thodupuzha

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