Lighting of lamps on Sunday night and numerological significance of '9'

Numerology in India is based on the position of the nine planets (‘navagrahas’) and the number nine is attached to the planet Kujan (Mars).
Numerology in India is based on the position of the nine planets (‘navagrahas’) and the number nine is attached to the planet Kujan (Mars).
Numerology in India is based on the position of the nine planets (‘navagrahas’) and the number nine is attached to the planet Kujan (Mars).
Prime Minister Narendra Modi last Saturday, while addressing the nation through a video, gave a call to the switch off all the electric lamps and light candles, mud ‘chiraths’, torches or mobile flashes at 9 pm for 9 minutes on April 5. Seemingly a symbolic move to dispel darkness caused by COVID-19 pandemic, number 9 has now become the prime focus for many.
The mainstream media as well as the social media are now rallying hot discussions over the science and logic behind the move. However, the number ‘9’ has great importance in Indian astrology as well as numerology. Moreover, nine is the most basic number in Mathematics.
According to numerologists, their branch of knowledge has a major influence on human lives. Numerology, in India, is based on the position of the nine planets (‘navagrahas’) and the number nine is attached to the planet Kujan (Mars).
Nine is a lucky number for people whose horoscope shows that Mars occupies the twin ‘rasis’ of Edavam (Taurus), Karkidakam (Cancer), Kanni (Virgo), Vrishchikam (Scorpio), Makaram (Capricorn) and Meenam (Pisces). The same applies to those born on the days 9, 18 and 27 of a month. These people can achieve prosperity by overcoming adversities through prayers to Subrahmanya and Bhadrakali who lord over Mars.
Nine is also rooted to several divine aspects in Indian mythology and tradition such as ‘navadhanyas’ (nine pulses), ‘navarathri’ (nine holy nights) and ‘navaratnas’ (nine gems).