The fortune of mobile number can be decided by examining the sum its digits.

The fortune of mobile number can be decided by examining the sum its digits.

The fortune of mobile number can be decided by examining the sum its digits.

Most people have more than one mobile number, some of which would be favourable according to numerology. In fact, by checking the mobile numbers many characteristics of the owner can be learned.

Take the mobile number 8267110032 for instance. When each digit is added together, the sum 3 would be obtained (8+2+6+7+1+1+0+0+3+2 = 30, 3+0 = 3). By examining this number we can decide whether it is lucky or unlucky.


A very energetic number, ‘one’ increases the positive energy we possess and makes us optimistic. This is the ideal figure for business persons and people who are eager to build a glittering career. However, ‘one’ is not suitable for lovers.



The most preferable number for people in love, ‘two’ evokes tender feelings, diplomatic behavior and a cooperative attitude. It is best suited for people engaged in sales also.


This number is related to creativity. Artists and literary persons can choose ‘three’. But ambitious people may avoid this numeral.



‘Four’ denotes trust and stability and so is ideal for investment firms and institutions dealing with law. People living in joint families can also choose this number.


Adventure seekers can go for ‘five’. It is also suitable for independent thinkers, travel lovers and people who prefer living alone.


People who love a family life may find ‘six’ to be a number that fits them perfectly. The figure gives warmth and strength to family relationships. ‘Six’ also favours people who travel a lot for business purposes, but not those seeking love.


Strength and mystery are the characteristics associated with ‘seven’. Students and philosophers are the ideal owners of this figure, which helps maintain a balance in life.



The perfect number for those engaged in business, ‘eight’ helps everyone who seeks improvement in their job as well as life.


Generally, a lucky number in every way, ‘nine’ symbolizes kindness as well as principles. But it may not favour people having health problems.