Celebrate Pilleronam with this unique and tasty pasta payasam

Photo: iStock/mantosh

Pilleronam is traditionally a day dedicated to children, celebrated 27-days before the Thiruvonam day. A mini-sadya featuring a delicious payasam served on fresh plantain leaves is a special treat for the children in the family. Try this simple pasta payasam recipe for this Pilleronam feast, sure to be loved by your little ones.

1 litre milk
100 gm pasta
¼ cup condensed milk
A pinch of salt
¼ tsp cardamom powder
Cashews and raisins
Ghee as required

You can use any type of pasta for this payasam, but macaroni pasta is recommended
Boil water with a tablespoon of oil in a thick-bottomed vessel
Add the pasta and cook until nicely done
Strain the pasta once it's cooked
Heat ghee in a pan and fry the cashews and raisins, setting them aside for later use
In the same pan, pour in the milk
When the milk boils, add the condensed milk and stir well
As the milk begins to thicken, add the cooked pasta and cardamom powder
Stir continuously to prevent the milk from sticking to the bottom
Garnish with the fried cashews and raisins.

Your delicious pasta payasam is ready!

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