Simple noodle soup recipe kids will love

Noodle soup. Photo: iStock/4kodiak

There is hardly any child who doesn’t like tasty, squiggly noodles. Here is a simple recipe for noodle soup that can be served to your kid as an evening snack.

2 packets instant noodles
1 onion
1 tomato
1 small piece ginger
1 green chilli
1 tsp tomato sauce
Water as required

Heat oil in a pan
Saute the vegetables (onion, tomato, ginger, and green chilli)
Blend the sauteed vegetables into a smooth paste
Heat some more oil in the pan
Add the blended vegetables and sauté for a few seconds
Add the noodles, the included masala packets, and tomato sauce
Pour in water as required
Cook until it turns into a noodle soup
Enjoy this tasty noodle soup as a delicious and comforting evening snack for kids!

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