Milk porotta recipe

Milk porota tastes better than normal porotta. This soft and flaky porotta can be made without swinging like the way they do in restaurants. Let's check out how to make milk porotta.

2 cups of maida/wheat powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 tbsp sugar
Salt to taste
1 tbsp ghee
2 tbsp milk powder

Take a bowl and mix maida, egg, milk, sugar, salt and ghee. Knead it thoroughly
Add milk little by little and mix
After kneading well into a soft dough cover for half an hour
Make lemon sized balls from the dough and spread them like chapathi
Put some ghee in it and sprinkle milk powder
Fold into squares from all four sides
Spread thinly again and cook on a dosa pan. Add a little ghee or butter for enhanced taste.

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