Coffee pudding is a refreshing and delicious dessert that is incredibly easy to prepare. Here is how to prepare the pudding using just 4 ingredients.

Coffee pudding is a refreshing and delicious dessert that is incredibly easy to prepare. Here is how to prepare the pudding using just 4 ingredients.

Coffee pudding is a refreshing and delicious dessert that is incredibly easy to prepare. Here is how to prepare the pudding using just 4 ingredients.

Coffee pudding is a refreshing and delicious dessert that is incredibly easy to prepare. Here is how to prepare the pudding using just 4 ingredients.

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3 cups milk (1/2 litre)
3 tbsp corn flour
1½ tsp instant coffee powder
Sugar as required
1 tsp coco powder (optional)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl without forming any lumps
Pass this mixture through a sieve
Boil this by continuously stirring
Take it off the flame when the pudding mix thickens up nicely
Allow the pudding to cool 
Pop the pudding in the fridge (not freezer) for at least 4 hours to set
Dust the coco powder on top of the pudding before serving.