Bukhari rice with chicken is Saudi Arabia's most popular dish

A Saudi Arabian speciality, bukhari rice is fragrant rice loaded with flavours and spices. The dish which has its origin in Afghanistan is usually served with the perfectly cooked roast chicken. Here is the recipe to easily prepare bukhari rice with chicken.

2 tsp olive oil
1/2 kg basmati rice (soaked for 20 minutes)
1 kg chicken with skin on (cut into 4 huge pieces)
2 large onions
4 green chillies
2 dried limes
100 gm raisins (fried)
50 gm almonds (fried)
1/2 cup boiled chickpeas (optional)
1 carrot (cubed)
1 potato (cubed)
1 cube chicken stock
1 tsp garlic paste
2 tsp tomato paste or ketchup
2 large tomatoes (pureed)
For the bukhari masala
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
3 small cinnamon sticks
4 cardamoms
4 cloves
5 bay leaves
1 tsp black pepper corns

In a heated pan add the cumin seeds, cinnamon, cardamoms, cloves, bay leaves and black pepper corns
Roast until the spices release its aroma
Grind to a fine bukhari masala powder
Heat olive oil (or butter) in a non-stick pan with thick bottom and a fitting lid
Add two cardamom pods, cinnamon sticks and cloves
Add chopped onions and a bit of salt
Sauté until the onions are soft and golden brown
Add the chicken pieces
Add the previously prepared bukhari masala into it
Add the dried limes
Add the tomato paste or ketchup, garlic paste and tomato puree
Add the chicken stock cube
Pour half cup of boiling water
Add the cubed carrots and potatoes, and green chillies
Cook for 15 minutes with the lid on
When this mixture boils, take out the chicken and keep it aside to be grilled later
Taste the broth for seasoning
Add the soaked basmati rice
Stir well and cook with the lid on
When the water is reduced and the rice is well cooked, lower the flame and cook for 8 more minutes with lid on
Grill the chicken and place on top of the flavoured rice which is served in a dish
Garnish generously with fried almonds and raisins.

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