Sugar bura is a preparation of grainy sugar

Sugar bura is a preparation of grainy sugar

Sugar bura is a preparation of grainy sugar

Sugar bura is a preparation of grainy sugar, used as a more flavourful replacement of sugar.

3 cups sugar
1½ cup water
1 tsp milk
1 tsp ghee


Heat water in a pan

Add all the sugar slowly

When sugar dissolves completely and the water boils, pour milk

Ladle away all the suspended impurities on the surface while water is boiling

Boil untill all water evaporates and the solution becomes thick, white
and grainy (a drop put on a plate need to condense without flowing)

Add ghee to bura and stir until it cools
You can further powder the grainy bura

Bura is great replacement for sugar in many a recipes, even fruit juices